As is iconic for Dragon Well, the leaves resemble pressed spears and are traditionally panfired.
It’s our third batch from Shentang. Each year Shentang Wen, our Organic Dragon Well Supreme producer, consistently crafts an excellent dragon well tea with the distinctive warm chestnut-like aromas, creamy texture, and sweet spring green freshness we are looking for. It's this combination that makes this tea so special and one of our favourite spring green teas.
As always, we will share a few tips on infusing and enjoying this tea at home.
This tea is as engaging as it is refreshing, and many will be looking forward to tasting it this year. So, let’s dive in!
Shentang Wen, our Organic Dragon Well Supreme producer.
Dragon Well or Longjing is one of, if not the most celebrated and highly prized teas in China. This deep dive introduces our latest supreme grade of this pan-fired green tea.
We’ll be exploring the teas unique single origin, as well as introducing the producer Shentang Wen, whose commitment to quality and authentic pan firing skills are some of the best we’ve ever seen. As always, we will share a few tips on infusing and enjoying this tea at home.
Dragon Well is possibly the most celebrated and highly prized tea in China.
The vital stats
Name: Dragon Well (known locally as Long Jing) refers to a mythic dragon that lives in a well near where this tea was first produced.
Origin: Yong’an Garden, Chun'an County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Cultivar: Camellia sinensis var. sinensis ‘Jiukeng'
Style: Pan-fried green tea
Terrior: Grown in a certified organic garden surrounded by lush green forest in a mountainous area.
Altitude: 750m
Picking Season: Spring April 6th to 15th 2023
Leaf: Iconic pressed spears of hand-baked green tea.
Oxidation: 0%
Production: Certified Organic
Infusion: Bright, translucent straw-green colour.
New growth of our first flush Organic Dragon Well bushes in Yong'an Garden after winter dormancy.
What kind of tea is Dragon Well?
Even though it’s only produced for around four weeks a year in the early spring, Dragon Well is always at the top of the best sellers list for total annual tea sales (not even including export) in China. It is important culturally as a gifting tea and is loved by many. Hangzhou, the home of this tea, is awash with domestic tourists every spring who come around the time of the Qing Ming festival. The Qing Ming festival is traditionally a time when graves are swept, and ancestors are honoured, however, in Hangzhou, this time has become intrinsically linked with the tea season, and so locals use this time to visit tea gardens as a family and choose their tea for the year ahead. This demand for the tea and the reverence in which it is held locally means it can command a high price and sell out very quickly. This means that producers are well incentivised to focus on quality and producing the best they can every season.
Like most Chinese green teas, Dragon Well is best produced in early spring, when the tea bushes begin to flush again after winter and produce the most prized new buds and leaves full of bright, fresh flavour.
"I learned everything I know about how to make tea from my parents, it took more than 20 years. As someone from Zhejiang, I have a great affection for Dragon Well tea, it varies slightly every year, but every spring, it is received just like an old friend to me." - Shentang Wen
Machinery is more often used for shaping dragon well leaves to ensure quality and consistency.
Our Organic Dragon Well Supreme is authentically pan-fired which gives the tea its characteristically nutty flavour.
The key processing steps for making Dragon Well are what imparts its iconic spear-shaped look and sweet, nutty and very fresh flavour. It is precisely the combination of intense freshness and sweet, slightly roasted nuttiness that makes it iconic and delicious. After being hand-picked and lightly withered, the tea is pan-fried, traditionally in a wok, to lock in the bright green colour, prevent oxidation and develop a distinct sweet chestnut flavour. The tea is rested and repeatedly fired until around 3% moisture remains. It is a highly skilled process. Often nowadays, small machines are used to do this – although of course, they still need to be operated with care and precision! The machines can produce very good results if they are meticulously controlled and adjusted to fit the specific conditions of the tea and the weather.
The process means that the leaves are heated by being applied to a dry, hot surface – similar to when vegetables are dry fried in a griddle pan, for example. Other green teas in China are heated by passing through a hot rolling barrel (a bit like a big cannon), and in Japan, the heat is applied using steam. The heating process of green tea has one of the biggest impacts on taste. For Dragon Well, this hot surface press brings out a sweet chestnut flavour that balances with the fresh spring flavours of the new buds.
Why is Dragon Well so prized at its origin?
Dragon Well tea has a long history dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) in China. It is one of the oldest and most renowned types of tea in Chinese culture, with a rich heritage and cultural significance. Dragon Well or Longjing tea was granted the status of Gong Cha, or imperial tea, in the Qing dynasty by the Kangxi Emperor. Its continued association with famous poets, scholars, and emperors throughout history adds to Dragon Wells's cultural prestige.
How did we Source our Dragon Well Tea, and Who Made it?
The authentic region for Dragon Well is split into a few different production areas around Hangzhou.
West Lake is the most well-known and is the closest tea growing area to Hangzhou city, because of its reputation and the prices its name can command, there’s pressure on producers in the immediate West Lake area to deliver maximum yields for the purposes of tourism. This often results in chemical fertilisers, pesticides, and batches of tea that lack distinct flavour, body, or texture. That’s why we use ‘West Lake Dragon Well’ as a reference point for its authentic origin – and we tend to look beyond the immediate area of West Lake to source our tea. We have found that some organic gardens nearby, with richer soil, biodiverse environments, and purer air, can produce teas with much fuller flavours and textures.
Tom inspects some fresh batches of Dragon Well during this year's sourcing trip.
Close to West Lake are Qian Tang and Yuezhou, which are still traditional and authentic origins within Zhejiang province but without the premium (and burden) of West Lake itself. Here, we met Shentang Wen when we were looking for organic producers back in 2020. He produces in Qian Tang, a mountainous area outside of the city. His tea bushes enjoy a sheltered micro terroir in a valley. The tea he grows is very good, and because we’ve now built a close relationship with Mr Wen, he’s willing to fire it just how we like it, which differs slightly from the local preference. We like a relatively light firing of the tea that brings out its nutty, roasted flavours but retains the spring freshness of the leaf.
"Since the establishment of the Organic Tea Professional Cooperatives in 2007, I have been the director and so lead others in the area in making organic tea by organising regular training for farmers to learn more about the cultivation and maintenance of organic tea plantations. As demand for organic tea is getting strong both locally and internationally, I've seen the farmers I work with are also becoming more passionate about making organic tea." - Shentang Wen.
Mr Wen uses Jiukeng, a traditional cultivar of Camellia sinensis from the Chun’an district of Hangzhou, to make this tea. This tea plant produces leaves with a rich flavour and thick texture, which complements the nuttiness from the firing.
Mr Wen is a true master of pan-firing Dragon Well tea.
What is Organic Dragon Well Supreme Like to Drink?
The first thing that hits you about this tea is the clean and bright aroma, with a fresh spring grassiness and hints of warmth from the pan frying. The colour of the infusion is transparent pale jade, the kind of light green that could remind you of spring gardens. The first sip is refreshing, with a pleasant grassy sweetness, transforming into a deeper character reminiscent of the smell of roasted chestnuts still in their shell. There’s no bitterness to be found at all, and the texture is smooth and creamy with a hint of lime sweetness. It’s a very satisfying combination of flavours that will leave you feeling cool and refreshed but with some warming afternotes from the chestnut roast.
Where and When is Dragon Well Tea For?
With a tea of this quality, we suggest choosing a time and place where you can simply sit and get the most enjoyment out of your infusion rather than rush it down in a hurry. It has plenty of character, and it’s satisfying to notice this combination of spring refreshment and warm roast. The cooling nature of this tea makes it pleasant to drink in hotter weather (traditionally, it is enjoyed as something to cool you down in a hot summer), perhaps as a gentle pick-me-up on a sunny afternoon.
How to Make Dragon Well Tea and Get the Best-Tasting Infusion?
Single Serve, One Cup Method using 250ml teapot and cup:
Our One Cup Teaiere™ 250ml serve.
West Lake is Hangzhou's most well-known tea-growing area, especially for Dragon Well tea.
Although a supreme grade of Dragon Well tea, this is still easy to make well. We recommend using a glass rather than porcelain teapot for this tea. The glass means the infusion cools at the right speed, and so the tea is ready to drink when it has what we think is the best expression of the flavour and aroma. As always, with glass, you can appreciate the leaves. Pre-heating your teaware is a must, so you get the full fragrance when you add dry leaves.
When you’re ready to infuse, there’s only one thing to remember, and that’s 70˚C water. You’ll get the right level of delightful sweetness and characterful nuttiness from the leaves at this temperature. You can achieve this by adding a splash of cold water (roughly 1/5 of the volume) before adding boiling water to the top. If the water’s any hotter, you risk over-extracting the heavier, fried notes of the tea, which will result in more tannins and a slightly rough feeling in your mouth – you get very little bitterness from high-quality Dragon Well, though.
Remember, after three minutes, pour the whole infusion into your favourite mug or glass for the perfect cup. Re-infuse the leaves, too, and add 30 seconds to the next infusion to get maximum flavour the second time around.
Our go-to method is 4g per 250ml; 70˚C; 3 minutes per infusion.
Organic Dragon Well Supreme served in the local 'grandad-style'
Long Glass (Grandad style):
Method: 3g per 250ml; 80˚C, leave to cool and continue to drink.
Locals in Hangzhou like to drink their tea “Grandad Style.” It’s so simple—all you need to do is add a tablespoon or a large pinch (roughly 3g) of leaf to a tall glass, fill it with 80˚C water, and leave it to cool for a few minutes.
The leaves will plump up with the water and slowly sink to the bottom of the glass. Sipping from the top, you’ll get a light infusion, and it’ll be easy to pick out the grassy top notes. The infusion will get heavier and more intense as you drink and get closer to the leaves. When you have only a few centimetres of water left, and the infusion starts to get too strong, keep topping it up with hot water. It is a wonderfully easy way to explore the flavours of this tea.
Each year Tom tastes and tests fresh samples of Dragon Well before deciding upon one final tea.
Who is Dragon Well Tea For?
This tea will appeal to many as it is very sweet and easy to drink. Being a supreme tea, it really does deliver on the classic Dragon Well flavours of intense green freshness, some umami, and the sweetness of roasted chestnuts. If you want something that has the refreshment and coolness of spring but with a slight warming, nutty edge, you’ll love Dragon Well Supreme.
Organic Dragon Well Supreme
Tea Master
Uplift Tray