We believe in organic agriculture – it’s better for the environment, for the producers who avoid the risk of exposure to chemicals, and for our teas which often taste even better. It’s a complex process though, so many of our teas that are grown using organic farming principles are not certified organic. To read more about this, head to our Sustainability page.
What is organic tea?
Organic tea is tea grown to recognise organic standards, usually with third-party certification of those standards
Is all tea organic?
Most tea is not certified to organic standards
How is organic tea made?
Organic tea is made without the use of most pesticides or chemical fertilisers, according to recognised organic standards as defined internationally
Does organic tea contain caffeine?
Organic tea contains caffeine just like all tea made from Camellia sinensis bushes
Organic is a way of growing tea, and so here you’ll find our range of organic green tea – including organic matcha green tea - organic white tea, organic English breakfast tea, organic black tea and more across all the tea types. Organic tea could be considered a more natural tea – that’s because organic farming does not use anything artificial in the growing of plants. Instead organic tea producers will work with their land and with nature’s resources to naturally coax growth and flavour from their tea plants. Our range of organic teas offers the purest taste experience – drinking organic loose leaf tea closest you can get to tasting the garden or place where a tea comes from. Organic tea bags can be good if you’re travelling or you need convenience, but organic loose leaf tea will always give you the best tea experience.