Deep Dive Into Organic Yunnan Gold

Organic Yunnan Gold is picked in the summer and produced by tea maker Yang Jian in De Hei Garden, Yunnan, China.

Yunnan is a prized origin thanks to its wild and ancient tea mountains.
  • 02/01/2025
  • 6 minutes
  • blubolt team
Deep Dive Into Organic Yunnan Gold

Organic Yunnan Gold is picked in the summer and produced by tea maker Yang Jian in De Hei Garden, Yunnan, China.

Yunnan is a prized origin thanks to its wild and ancient tea mountains.

Organic Yunnan Gold is made from only the most delicate golden tea buds.
It’s here. This is our latest batch of o Organic certified Yunnan Gold, a renowned black tea from southwest China known for its creamy texture and rich, malty taste. Known locally as ‘dianhong’, meaning Yunnan Red, this style of tea has been perfected among the high, misty mountains of the province, where craft, culture and terroir combine to produce a taste that is unlike other black teas.
Taking a closer look at the origin of this tea, we’ll see how a unique history of world events came together in southwest China to give rise to Yunnan Gold. We'll also give you all the tips on how to get the best flavour from this tea at home.

The Vital Stats

Origin: Da Hei Shan, Yunnan, China

Cultivar: Xiang Gui

Name: The Chinese name for this tea is ‘Dian Hong’, which literally means 'Yunnan Red'. Yunnan Gold refers to the golden colour of the finished tea.

Style: Bud and young leaf black tea

Terroir: Ancient tea mountains

Altitude: approx. 1500-2000m

Picking Season: Summer

Oxidation: 100%

Production: Organic

Leaf: Golden strands woven through black tea leaves

After rolling the tea buds are left to oxidise and turn a rich golden colour

What makes Yunnan Gold so unique?

Although tea has been cultivated in Yunnan for centuries, the history of this particular black tea is more modern than you may expect. Sometime during the Qing dynasty (1636 - 1911), black tea was first invented in the Wuyi Mountains. This led to many famous styles of black tea, such as Lapsang Souchong, being produced in east China. However, it wasn’t until the Sino-Japanese war broke out in the late 1930s that Yunnan Gold existed. 

At that time the production of black tea was centred around the east and southeast of China, but as tea production in the east halted, the government had to look elsewhere to produce its black tea. They decided to experiment with making black teas in the southwest of China instead and established a production site in Yunnan's ancient terroir, which gave birth to Yunnan Gold. So it was only in the early 1940s that people throughout China began to taste this new black tea for the first time, and since then, it has become a highly celebrated tea in the region.

The mountainous terroir of Yunnan province

How is our Organic Yunnan Gold made?

This tea is crafted during the summer by tea maker Yang Jian in his luscious garden on Da Hei Shan (Big Black Mountain) in Summer 2021. The summers in Yunnan are not exceptionally hot, but there is a lot more sun. This intense sunlight causes the leaves to produce a richer taste that works really well when crafting malty, black teas.

First, the pickers will hand-select only the juiciest, silvery buds from the tea bushes containing tons of flavour and nutrients. These are then lightly withered to allow moisture to evaporate before being machine rolled. This rolling breaks the surface of the buds, which will help them to oxidise. After rolling, the buds are left on bamboo mats to oxidise slowly for a few hours. The colour will turn from silvery green to a shimmering gold, and as they darken, their flavours will concentrate to produce the chocolatey, rose and malty taste that defines this tea.

These shimmering golden buds produce a chocolatey, rose and malty taste.

The dark, coppery red infusion has a compelling aroma; like sweet cacao and rose.

Infuse with freshly boiled water to extract the deeper notes of the tea and bring out its strength.

What is Yunnan Gold like to drink?

The dark, coppery infusion has a compelling aroma, like sweet cacao and rose. The initial taste is very thick and creamy, and the infusion really coats the mouth with a rich taste of malt, chocolate, and hints of sweet spices. It’s a comforting tea to drink and, to me, it feels indulgent without ever getting too heavy.
Where and when do I recommend drinking this tea?

This tea is an all-rounder. I’d recommend it whenever you need something uplifting, as its bright, fruity taste always puts a smile on my face. It’s also got enough roasted warmth to enjoy on cooler evenings when you need something cosy and comforting. Definitely pair it with fruit cakes and tarts for an extra, sticky-sweet tea experience.

What is it like to make, and how easy is it to get a good taste?

How we like to make Yunnan Gold tea for the best results.

One cup single serve, 250ml: 

For black teas like this, we ideally want to use freshly boiled water to extract the deeper notes of the tea and bring out its strength. Black teas are more forgiving than green teas when it comes to bitterness, as they are fully oxidised and, therefore, contain less of the bitter and astringent compounds in the leaves. This results in a well-rounded infusion with a beautifully rich colour and aroma. This tea can be re-infused, and the second infusion should result in a more present sweetness and delicate floral notes while maintaining its delicious, thick texture.

Try it like this: 4g or 2 tsp per 250ml; 95-100˚C water; 3 minutes per infusion (we recommend at least three infusions)

Who is Yunnan Gold for?

Organic Yunnan Gold is a great one to try if you’re looking for something similar to a breakfast tea but with even more refined flavour notes - it’s still creamy and sweet, even without milk or sugar. If you’re completely new to loose leaf black teas and have always wanted to find an accessible way through simply enjoyable flavours, this would be a great place to start.

SHOP Organic Yunnan Gold

This seductive black tea is full of spiced and dark chocolate richness. A combination of high mountain terroir, delicate golden buds and generations of local tea craft give this tea its unique taste and thick texture.


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