How To

Explore insightful articles, expert tips, and inspiring stories that celebrate the artistry, culture, and flavour of exceptional tea. Whether you're a seasoned tea enthusiast or just beginning your journey, our blogs are your guide to all things tea.

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How To Know Whether Your Tea Is Fresh & Why It's Important

How To Know Whether Your Tea Is Fresh & Why It's Important

Did you know that tea can take up to a year to reach supermarket shelves? This is a shame because to get the aromatics, flavours, and tastes that make drinking tea remarkable... teas need to be drunk much sooner after they are produced.

Here's our guide to help you keep your tea fresh.

  • 02/01/2025
  • 4 minutes
How To Brew The Perfect Cup Of Tea | A Tea Temperature Guide

How To Brew The Perfect Cup Of Tea | A Tea Temperature Guide

The habit of boiling water to make tea dates to when water had to be boiled before drinking to make sure it was safe. The UK’s builders brew habit has continued the tradition. 

  • 02/01/2025
  • 8 minutes
What To Look For When Choosing A Teapot

What To Look For When Choosing A Teapot

  • 02/01/2025
  • 5 minutes
What Water Is Best For Tea?

What Water Is Best For Tea?

"Water is the mother of tea, the teapot is its father, and fire the teacher" – Chinese proverb.

The perfect cup of tea captures all the senses—it will appear bright in colour with good clarity, have abundant fragrance, lasting clear and distinct flavours, and a fully mouth-coating texture. Some teas feel thick and velvety, some have a rounded texture, and some are even honeycomb-like.

  • 02/01/2025
  • 8 minutes
Chai Tea: What Is It & How Do You Make It?

Chai Tea: What Is It & How Do You Make It?

Our new Chai blend is a harmonious combination of second-flush black tea from selected gardens in Assam, enriched with natural ginger, cardamom, and cinnamon pieces. This blend is inspired by the traditional Masala Chai we've enjoyed in Kolkata and Assam, and we’ve worked hard to honour the origins of the tea and spices used.

  • 02/01/2025
  • 4 minutes
How To Make Green Tea The Right Way

How To Make Green Tea The Right Way

Green Tea brewing secrets from JING Tea. One of the things we often get asked about is ‘how to make green tea? Luckily, we love green tea and have a few simple tips that will make your green tea taste amazing.

  • 02/01/2025
  • 5 minutes
How To Choose Quality Loose Leaf Tea

How To Choose Quality Loose Leaf Tea

High quality loose leaf tea is the key to unlocking a whole new world of flavour. Not only is it good for tea lovers searching for the perfect cup of tea, it is the most socially and environmentally responsible way to drink tea. It offers an incredible range of variety—there are over 10,000 varieties in China alone. With so many options, it’s easy to find a tea that suits your taste and mood. We think that makes loose leaf tea a win-win-win for drinkers, producers and the planet, so we're keen to help you find and enjoy it. 

  • 02/01/2025
  • 4 minutes